Saturday, February 12, 2011

No Strings Attached and GLEE! (movie reviews and friends)

The other night I planned to stay in, enjoy a nice dinner with my husband and wear my sweat pants out just a little more.  Life never goes as planned.  Sometimes that works out in our favor and sometimes it doesn't.  This particular night it did. 

My friend Elizabeth is an amazing woman.  I don't know how you could meet her and not absolutely love her.  Her taste in music is not my fave (NKOTB) but her taste in movies, definitely up my alley.  Who cares that she rocks out to, "I'll be lovin' you forever," with a lighter, she's fun and that's one of the things that makes her incredibly endearing to me.  One of Elizabeth's favorite shows is GLEE.  I have never seen this show and if I ever do, it would be because I lost a bet.

Tuesday evening Elizabeth agreed to meet me for a chic flick at the last minute.  (She is my chic flick go to gal!  Every woman needs one.  They are the best.)  It had been a long weekend for her between work, an out of town visit and a car repair.  Like many, she commutes a good distance to and from work.   She must have been exhausted but agreed to meet me and see No Strings Attached on a work night.  It made me feel so loved.

I go into these movies expecting to half enjoy them and also to just get away from it all.  During the previews I asked her what her husband was up to for the evening.  When she said, "Recording Glee for her," my jaw dropped!  She loves Glee as much as NKOTB!  She loves Glee like nobodies business!  This woman had a long day, came straight from work and missed the premier of Glee for me?  I thought I felt loved before.  I really felt loved now.

I was pleasantly surprised how much I really enjoyed this movie.  I knew I'd like it because I like just about anything with Natalie Portman. We both walked away thinking our husbands may not have been too terribly tortured if we had forced them to see it.  As I drove home I thought about the movie, about relationships, and friendships.  I am so thankful for my friends and for friendships like the one I share with Elizabeth.  She is a friend who, in essence, doesn't have strings attached.  We can go long stretches of not seeing each other, no email or text, disagree on what classifies as good music, but when it's all said and done she adds nothing but GLEE to my heart!  Every time I leave her company I wonder why I don't see her more often, why I allow life to get so busy that I don't make time to hold up a lighter at a bad....I mean...performance by NKOTB to show her how much she means to me.  So this Valentine's Day remember all those you love, not just your spouse and/or kids, but your friends.  The ones who can cheer you up on a really tough day.  The ones who you can spend a great time with, without saying a word, with no strings attached.

My rating for the movie: 3 out of 4 stars!  My rating for time with friends like Elizabeth: a perfect 10 out of 10!

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Completely unexpected - and 100% appreciated. Know that I am willing to be your chick-flick girl any day of the week :) And if you would like, I just got a text from my sister-in-law. We are considering going to Philly for a girls weekend when GLEE is there in concert. Lighters at the ready!

    In all seriousness... this made me cry. You are a wonderful friend and I adore you more than you know. Thanks for just being you :)
